Monday, November 2, 2009

Reinventing Halloween

I know lots of people who love Halloween and I am all for fun and celebration, but when it comes to promoting good health, Halloween is a nightmare. I can speak from experience because I have been a sugar addict in my life and it is a tough habit to kick.

Thinking about giving kids more candy is like feeling good about giving someone an overdose because you want them to have fun. The dilemma then is what to give out so as not to put a damper on the whole experience. Last year I gave out stickers and this year was glow sticks, but that really felt wrong as I thought about the health of the planet and mountains of plastic and some weird chemicals being disposed of after a night of frivolity.

I discussed this quandary with some friends and we all agreed that we need to get more creative with Halloween. One of them told me about a photographer who took photos of everyone that came by in costume and gave them a picture. I want to suggest making the focus of the holiday an evening of entertainment. Picture this, you go from house to house not knowing what creative offering you are about to enjoy. One of the other folks I was talking to said that he knew a man who hired two Capoiera (Brazilian martial art) practitioners to dress up like Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader to stage a laser saber battle in his garage for kids to enjoy on their neighborhood journey. Maybe someone else tells your fortune, or has a little puppet skit about Halloween. The possibilities are endless, more fun, and with much less manic behavior to deal with in the aftermath. Anyway, that's my vote.

If you want to know more about the plastics problem check out

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dawn - I haven't visited your blog in quite a while and finally got signed up. But I wanted to respond to your November posting where you say you were addicted to sugar. This is so in my face right now!

    I just became aware of my own addiction to sugar today when I realized that it has gone from robbing me of my physical energy to turning me into a raging bitch. I had no reason to feel irritable and angry, but after napping this afternoon, I awoke (as you mentioned epiphanies often come as you re-enter this dimension from the sleep state) to the light bulb going on that my sugar intake was taking away my soul.

    I felt ashamed, but grateful as well. Because without the awareness I couldn't change. I'm grateful for my strong healthy body, and I'm so sorry for not treating it with the respect it needs to keep being that way.

    And I know the Universe is asking a great deal of us right now, so it's essential that I'm in good shape to meet the challenges. It's a privilege and huge responsibility to be alive right now because we are holding the frequency of stability and love through this time of transition and transformation of the planet and the human race.

    Thank you for your open hearted reflections and the invitation to connect to you and those who vibrate as you do.
