Friday, February 19, 2010

Giving Up Judgment for Lent

I had a client in my office the other day and she was talking about the "bad things" she was giving up for Lent. I can certainly understand if it feels important to change a behavior because it doesn't support the person, and I've heard that it takes 30 days (or maybe it's 6 weeks) to establish a new habit. That's all good, but in her case, as I think is true for many, it was about sacrificing the pleasures she felt guilty about.

I invited her to instead consider giving up judgment for 40 days, since I think that was more what Christ had in mind anyway. Hey, what if that resulted in a newly formed habit at the end of Lent? Wouldn't that make the offering up of Christ's life more worth it than the fact that someone wasn't eating Twinkies anymore?

I don't know, just food for thought :)

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