Friday, March 5, 2010

Beyond Blogging

When I entered the world of blogging it felt a bit odd, like talking to myself in a way, or recording my personal reflections as sort of an online diary. Sometimes I had inspirations that I wanted to write about, which I did, but I find inspirations come more fluidly when ideas are sparked in relationship to others.

A wonderful new friend invited me to participate in a site that was being "re-developed" to expand global consciousness and to create community. The site is called Avanoo, The space is dynamic, kind, loving and co-creative and it has become a wonderful part of my life. I do the majority of my posting there now because it comes naturally as a part of dialogue.

I invite those who are interested in the type of offerings I make to come to Avanoo where you will find a banquet rather than one offering on the menu. Avanoo is a place for inspired engagement for dreaming a new world and for occupying home,in each aspect of its development, with gratitude, ease, awareness and joy.

My profile picture and name is the same as here. You can select "Listen" once you are in my profile and you will get notifications of new postings from me, or other people you choose to "listen to" when you log into the site (click on notifications). Otherwise you can just browse the recent activity.

Hope to see you there!
Lots of love,

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