Monday, June 27, 2011

Passion is key

I'm back on the Blog circuit realizing the importance for sharing tips and inspirations for navigating these potent, amazing and stressful times.

Today I came across a link to a performance of a young Korean man on "Korea's Got Talent" that touched me to my core. I think it has moved many people who have seen it and for me there was a special gift, which was the affirmation of the power of passion to transform lives. His passion certainly will transform his own life, and beyond that his example of staying connected to a passion that gave him joy and made him feel like "someone different" will rekindle dreams many have let go of because they believed they weren't possible. Here's the link to this story:

My own version of this is that I just completed a collaborative project to make the first video segment of a series called, Earth, a Love Story. This is something for which I have carried a vision a long time. And, while the first offering isn't perfectly polished, it is birthed with great joy because I stepped up to meet the universe regardless of ideal circumstances. While I don't live on the streets as this young man did, it seems I've been in a phase of instability and transition for longer than I would like. Committing to this project in the midst of all of this has in an odd way created "home" for me and so I encourage any of you reading this to commit to your passions and dreams knowing that a ground swell of joy will help to transform the face of the Earth. Following is a link to my website where you can read about the larger vision of my work and you can watch the Earth, a Love Story video:

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