Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Move to thrive

Sometimes the most powerful things we can do to stay balanced just seem too simple and we can tend to gloss over the innate resources we have, thinking there must be some special product or program we need to buy in order to maintain good health. The truth is, other than needing to obtain healthy food, the other basics of the health equation require nothing external. Those are: exercise, deep breathing, getting enough rest, keeping a positive attitude and having meaningful connections with others.

This month I want to emphasize the importance of moving your body, and if you have trouble thinking about an exercise program then how about dancing? Make it fun and enjoyable, but however you do it, move. Energy gets stuck and the more it becomes stagnant the greater the sense of discomfort on all levels. I'm always amazed at how fast I can shift my energy with movement--dancing, yoga, a walk in the park, or whatever it is. I'm not sure why at times I forget how huge the benefit is and I can let it slip when I need it the most. It seems that during periods of change in living situation, relationships, or finances that beneficial routines can get disrupted. At these times stress tends to be higher and it is more important than ever to push through and stick to an exercise commitment. While conscious, deep breathing doesn't replace exercise, it will move energy and is essential.

Remember, if your position is fixed in a moving stream, you will get worn down.

The only difference between fear and adventure is how much you breathe. ~Rob Kalnitsky

I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing. ~Marsha Doble

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