Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Animals as teachers

Sometimes the most profound lessons come when we least expect them and from those we may not have sought out as teachers. Part of staying balanced and at peace in the world today is keenly tuning our senses to what is around us and how it is informing our choices.

I am just ending a temporary living situation that came with unexpected gifts, namely a lot of animals, and particularly a lion and three tigers who taught me some powerful lessons. I entered that relationship with them by first of all making space to just sit with them and be still. Once the connection was made, they took me on an amazing journey inward, particularly one of the tigers named Typhoon. I can't exactly put the experience into words, but my internal being has changed.

They are powerful beings who command respect. To meet them eye to eye there must first be a stillness within and a calling forth of courage to stand equally in their presence. Hand in hand with stillness is being fully present and aware, because if you are distracted in their presence they will either lose interest in connecting with you or they may startle you with an aggressive move.

I spent my time singing to them of their magnificence and then later meditating with them. Even when it seems they are nodding off they are tuned to your every move and when you are unruffled by their advances they drop back. Ty would test me to see if I would sense him coming up behind me before he reached me with a lunge. They move silently, but I got to where I could feel him energetically and when I would turn to look him in the eyes, as he practiced his stalking, he would immediately release the approach. Often times I would come down and approach him head on, leaning to the fence that divided us to look him in the eyes, nose to nose, as he "chuffed" or gently snorted his greeting and acknowledgment. Then I would sit next to him and sometimes he would curl up pressing the fence where my body touched, gazing intently into my eyes. The stillness and presence with him both opened my heart and called me into my courage in a way I hadn't stood in it before. There was no inner quivering, only a respectful strength, for which I felt appreciated.

So here's what I learned and how I have changed as a result:
1) I'm more confident to speak my truth without hesitation or quivering.
2) Living courageously commands respect.
3) Being still and present disarms aggressive moves.
4) Taking time to really connect with whomever is before you yields amazing gifts, one being a heart that breaks fully open.

So, find what is both wild and courageous within yourself, as well as that which is still, present and loving. These are times that call for all of these qualities.

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