Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Your best friend is always with you

Indeed your body is your best friend. It takes you everywhere you want to go and supports you in having a good time while you're there. However, like any friendship, the experience is going to be more optimal when you are also paying attention to what your friend wants. If you never listened to your friend, or didn't take into consideration what works for them,they are not likely to keep showing up for you. The fact that our bodies keep trying, while we take them for granted, puts them at the top of the list for deserving our adoration and attention.

So, if you are complaining about some function or aspect of your body, maybe it's time to get some relationship counseling :) What I mean is treat your body like the most cherished friend you could ever have. Listen to it. When you find out what it likes go out of your way to get that for it.

I know some people get frustrated with their bodies because certain foods they want to eat don't work for them. What if rather than trying to change your body to do things the way you want, you found pleasure it giving it what helps it thrive. In the long-run it will be what brings you joy as well, because there is nothing like being in a body that performs like a finely-tuned race car--the ride is fantastic.

Also, keep in mind that often what you may think you want, which ends up making you feel bad, is an attempt at an emotional fix, or a craving generated by parasites or microorganisms that need that food or substance to stay active in your body.

It can take time to really develop a compassionate and astutely-tuned communication with your body, but the payoffs of that friendship can't be surpassed.

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