Friday, July 22, 2011

Focus on what's working

In my observations of human nature I have noticed that the typical default awareness of many of us is to focus on "the problem" or what's wrong. Then we have a job, something to fix, or at least fixate on, but when it comes to well-being, the healthier approach is to focus on what's working.

I always have people fill out an intake form when I start working with them and they note the issues that really have their attention. Of course, they wouldn't be there if nothing was bothering them, so I'm not suggesting being in denial about what our bodies are communicating to us. It's a bit of a paradox actually, because we want to be tuned to the subtle messages we are receiving so that we can correct course, so to speak. The piece of the puzzle we're often missing, however, is taking the time to be in awe of and appreciative for where the body has rebalanced. I know sometimes it will take a while for me to realize that an issue I was having hasn't been present for a while, because once it's gone there can be a tendency to forget that it was there and to direct my attention to the next item on the improvement list. Because the work I do is subtle it can be off people's radar just how much improvement they've had, unless they go back and revisit what their level of discomfort was when they came in.

On the larger scale, I imagine we could transform the world, or maybe just our experience of it, by paying more attention to what's working. It might be an interesting exercise to take a week off from focusing on any problem, whether it be with our own health or a troubling situation in the world. Try filling each day with appreciation for what your body is doing incredibly well, or what healing is emerging out of challenging situations in the world.

There's a photographer named Dewitt Jones whose work I came across and celebrating what's working is the whole focus of his message. I found it very inspiring and uplifting. You can subscribe to his weekly email with one of his amazing photographs and a beautiful reflection at

I'm sure everyone has known someone whose eye's sparkle and whose joy is contagious. Chances are they are paying more attention to what's working in their world and drawing more of it to them!

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