Thursday, August 4, 2011

Handy survival tip

I don't mean to be alarming with this title, but I'm feeling that given the increase in catastrophic earth events it may be timely to share the following information.

I have known about "urine therapy" for many years and it is a valid approach for helping to restore health, regardless of compounding external circumstances. Basically, urine therapy is the practice of drinking your own urine. For health purposes there is a specific protocol for times of day and amounts to use for the best benefit. As I understand it, the urine also contains "information" about what is imbalanced in the body or what is needed, and taking that information back into the body acts as a homeopathic for resolving the issue.

The basic thing I want to share is that urine is sterile, consisting of water, salt, and excess nutrients. You may have encountered people who would urinate on an insect sting or wound to promote healing. The important thing to know is that in times of crisis, when there may be no potable water available, you can keep yourself alive by drinking your urine. It has both water and nutrients and you can keep them recycling for a period of time to stay vital in the absence of other water sources (and also nutrients). There are people who have survived disasters this way for many days without water and they are not in the critical state they would have been with no water.

Anyway, it's always good to have information like this in your bag of tricks.

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