Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Each of you reading this is going to have unique circumstances, some of which are more challenging for carving out time for yourself. I must admit that as a single person I have a lot more flexibility to do what works for me. At the same time I have two careers, one as a quantum biofeedback practitioner and the other as the Administrator for an organization called Ecology Action with a big vision for empowering people worldwide to feed themselves locally with a sustainable organic method for high yields, while simultaneously regenerating topsoil. I put in 10-12 hour days the 2 days a week I am at the Ecology Action office, which doesn’t leave much time at the end of a day. Both careers demand that I be able to show up clearly and in a positive frame of mind, and my home spa experience has been extremely valuable in this regard.

Also, I will say there are advantages to engaging in this type of process with a partner. I actually began many of the practices I will talk about years ago when I was married. The love and support I had from a wonderful partner made it all possible. I was having some health issues that required me to make dramatic changes in my diet and overall lifestyle. Steve willingly went along with the various changes and ended up benefiting as well. As a part of this blog I will write about ways to incorporate some of these practices no matter what your situation. The most important thing is to remember this is a “spa vacation” and that means nurturing and renewal that comes from choosing the combination of practices that you look forward to doing. Be creative and mold each of the suggestions to what works for you. Also, pay attention to intuitive information from your body about what it wants and needs to perform well for you.

Anything I share is simply my personal experience and not meant to be taken as medical advice. Remember to always check in with yourself and trust your own knowing, do your own research, and enjoy yourself!

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