Sunday, September 27, 2009

In the beginning . . .

Several things motivated me to start what I am now calling a home spa vacation. First of all I got a new home and for the first time in many years had a space of my own in which to create sanctuary. I don't have a lot of things, but it doesn't take much for me to introduce elements that bring warmth and peace to the space. I will talk more about that in a future post.

Secondly, the previous year had been particularly stressful and as a result I was feeling out of balance and had put on more weight than I felt comfortable with. Part of that had to do with being in transition physically for an extended period of time. After getting the new home I knew I wanted to reestablish a healthier routine, which included regular exercise and better diet practices, and I thought why stop there--why not create a mini-spa retreat in my own home as a part of my normal life?

Part of what I am currently doing is the Master Cleanse as a follow-up to some colonics for unclogging and detoxifying. Basically, I wanted to take my system back to zero by doing the cleanse and then I will begin reintroducing food very slowly so I can see what is really working for my body. Over the years I've noticed that my nutritional needs change and it is important to stay tuned into my body for what it presently needs. I also know that our bodies are designed for perfect health and vitality and can handle an amazing number of stressors in order to stay balanced. The stress load on our bodies in these times is probably higher than it has ever been and because I appreciate enjoying good health I make it a point to limit stressors in every way that I can. I deal with any potential health threats proactively--stay centered, keep my system detoxified (both mentally and physically), be kind and appreciative, and remember the source of all true possibility and power (I will simply call that spirit).

Until the next post . . . .
Wishing you health and vitality


  1. Isn't it amazing what exercise and diet can do! Not to mention cleaning out the bowels and tapping into the vastness of what I term Infinite Intelligence which to me "feels" more like Boundless Impersonal Love. On this planet, in this life, words are necessary even if they cannot possibly describe what they are intended to define.

    "Home Spa Vacation" sounds like a new twist on Buddah's “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without," or the equally famous prophet saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven is Within." Of course they did not have colonics in those days which definitely helps clear the mind.

    Good luck with the Blog!

  2. My journey toward consciousness and an awakened sight started with a shift toward healthy eating. And I've observed that it's true for many people. I think the body can block our psychic and spiritual vision if it's being bombarded with grocery store toxins.

    I'm excited to follow your journey through your new blog, Dawn. I was given the gift of a year with a friend to 'come clean' and we spent our days supporting one another to release the old beliefs and traumas of the past that were clouding the beauty of our lives.

    The major theme that kept running through our discoveries is "to be". That sounds pretty simplistic, but in this world of accumulate and accomplish, "being" gets lost in the shuffle. We went through tremendous transformation to get to a place where we can now allow life to lead us to where we are called to serve.

    Being present is joy and brings joy to those we are present with.

    Thanks for sharing your online space....I'm looking forward to being inspired
