Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Spa Experience Index

When I think of having a spa experience I get a sense of aaahhhhh!--a melting into a blissful state of letting go of all tensions, all mind chatter. While I am going to write about lots of juicy little tidbts for nurturing and creating a sense of healthful balance I really have to start with the fundamental practices that infuse my days with meaning and ease. When I really learn to reinhabit "home" the space between "my life" and having a spa experience, as described above, lessens.

Blogs seem to lend themselves well to stream of consciousness sharing. This blog will certainly be that, weaving back and forth between reflection and practical tools.

In this blog I will probably often refer to praying. You might wonder who I pray to, as some people assess the value of what you have to share based on that question. I pray to that which is too vast to be contained or constrained by concepts--that which responds to any loving heart that seeks it, no matter by what name.

For those used to speaking to that as God my use of the terms That or It may seem impersonal. Aaahhhh, now we are getting closer to the truth for surely the love that permeates all things is not personal--it just is. Each person speaks with whatever words create resonance, but what's more important for me is being present to the energy drawing me home. Home is what is when the personal drops away. When I really stop, for even a moment, there is a dropping into that place. That's the beauty for me of being in nature--the stillness is electric with awareness and I feel it on my skin like the caress of a beloved. As I walked this morning down a quiet country lane I heard the words, "The first light of day--soft and evocative--invites awakening to a world of beauty."

Now that's high on my "spa experience" index! Aaaaahhhhhh!
Have a beautiful day!


  1. my use of the terms that or it may seem impersonal

    Not to me - I've long felt the same. While there's no harm in addressing That Which Is as a he or she, IT is surely far beyond all genders and even, as you say, beyond all concepts.

    Thanks for your perspective.

  2. Dearest DG.. hurray for the Home Spa Vacation! I woke yesterday morning with the bizarre and thoroughly unlike-me thought; "I need a 'sick' day today", which tuned me pretty quickly to the fact that I needed to designate this day, this Monday, as a Corrina Sabbath, and I proceeded to do that... (splendid) for all the same reasons you describe. SO precious, SO important. xo
    PS my very first Master Cleanse ran through my birthday one November and it was nothing short of spectacular : )
    Corrina elf
