Thursday, October 8, 2009

Finding My Way Home

As I sit here trying to think of what to say in response to the anonymous reader who wants to know more about inhabiting a world that we don't need a vacation from, I can only offer what I truly know from experience. Sadly, I must admit that knowledge is limited, but there is something on the edge of my awareness, dare I say at the edge of the collective dream that is calling us to this awakening. I feel it like a tractor beam, or one of the incredibly forceful eddys on the Grand Canyon that would grab our boat in seemingly calm waters.

While I think the home spa exercises or routines are useful for staying healthy and balanced, I must authentically admit that they are also a means of creating a peaceful sanctuary, i.e., a place to renew and love myself in the absence of a deeper connection in my day to day world. My soul longs for something it isn't finding in the world and the awakeness in me knows it never will, at least on the level I am looking--thus the tractor beam has been engaged to pull me home against my egoic will. What that will ultimately be like can't be known from the perspective of present mind story.

However, in the process of surrendering to the greater will , I don't think it hurts to employ certain tools that just make life more fun. One is innocent perception, or seeing the world through the eyes of a young child who has not yet been conditioned to judge what they are seeing or to fit it into a certain story. Byron Katie asks the question in her work, "Is that really true?" Everytime I have genuinely let go of reactionary responses to allow what is more accurate to emerge, I have been humbled to realize that things are not always what they appear to be. As a matter of fact, probably more often than not this is the case, or at least things are far more complex than what they were reduced to. In these moments of unbiased perception there is nothing to resist, and I am filled with awe--flow returns and gratitude rushes in.

I also love living life as an adventure, present to the next clue. If I had to characterize the universe, I would say it is a mischievious trickster that loves to play, with a wonderful sense of humor. That's one of the reasons I love hanging out with children. They haven't forgotten this yet.

The following Rumi poem really strikes a chord for me, as much of my life has been spent seeking love in some form, while simultaneously knowing that it is all love.

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
~ Rumi

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