Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Random Thoughts

I must confess that this blogging experience is new for me and in the beginning it seemed like a fun idea to share my home spa experience. Now, however, I'm wondering if I am just writing so that I have a sense of offering something useful, when in fact my thoughts are just more static in the collective field. The good thing about blogs is that if someone is not interested they just don't check in and this becomes my virtual diary. I suppose that's better than being with someone you think wants to hear what you have to say and half way through sharing your experience you realize they haven't really been present for any of it. Aaaahhhh, more opportunities for detachment.

The irony is that when I was young I had one of those locking diaries so that no one would pry into my private thoughts. Now I post them on the internet and consider what random idea I can throw in to snap the reader out of the daze of information overload. The truth is I think we are all ready for a bigger, juicier story--one that makes us sit up and pay attention, one that invites us to truly be alive in a new way because it is based on joy and playfulness.

I'll get back to the home spa vacation another day to finish sharing tips from my current experience, but what I am really interested in is talking about inhabiting a world that we don't feel we need a vacation from.

I have some thoughts on that, if anyone wants to hear them. I would love to hear yours as well.


  1. inhabiting a world that we don't feel we need a vacation from

    Yes! Am packed and ready to move there. Please post any directions you might have.

  2. I'm sure the journey to and the landscape of the destination to that world is unique to everyone ~ the important thing is to have the intention and be willing to jump off the edge of the world we no longer abide.

    My own journey there was unexpected - of course - because I wasn't conscious of the part of me that was taking me to this place and knew exactly what I needed and what it would take to make the trip.

    The world I have found is very simple. It's composed of being present (not needing or wanting anything and not needing to accomplish or accumultate anything) and being in service. This world has me moving from place to place being present for a neighbor dieing of cancer, a friend losing her business and her home, and now children whose parents are divorcing. All these people live in different states and my connections to them have been unique and somewhat unusual. But once I turned over my life to service I opened up to any possiblities and they always come forward as one receeds.

    It's not a giving up of will, it's not a sacrifice (the gifts to me are abundant) and it's not without challenges and stressors. What it is feels so fulfilling that I don't feel that craving for escape. I also don't feel the need to "practice" becoming. I am all of me. There are old issues I still hold that I will eventually be shown the truth about, and then will let them drop away, but those happen when my next place of service is drawing near and in order to qualify for the job, some old issue or two has to be resolved.

    Getting here was not easy, but it wasn't hard either ~ I didn't realize during the process that this was where I was going. And if you aren't in your world without need of a vacation, you most likely are on your way ~ whether you know it or not.
